Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve is Not Weakness #CourtneyPeppernell #Poetry #PillowThoughts

I do not see weakness in placing your heart on your sleeve; I see bravery in a world that can be cruel. I see something raw and beautiful in being as honest as you can be. – Courtney Peppernell, “Pillow Thoughts”

I am a man and I cry. In this most recent season, going through a difficult and messy divorce, I have been crying a lot. Things have “settled” down in this area recently, but even before this trying time, I cried frequently. Also, if you have noticed, I am a passionate person.

When I feel something, I feel it deeply. I struggle at times with self-control when something really bothers me. I would say in most cases I wear my heart on my sleeve. It is a brave place to be. To be an open book with people you trust and will love you unconditionally. These friends are invaluable sources of encouragement throughout your life. Keep them close in good times and in bad times.

– Jason

Get a copy of “Pillow Thoughts” by Courtney Peppernell on Amazon:

"Pillow Thoughts" by Courtney Peppernell

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  1. It is my belief that vulnerability is one of the greatest strength an individual can have. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. You are connecting with many by doing so and every connection made in this world is valuable in one way or another. 😘

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